Whatch "Il sogno più grande"

Official Clips


Youtube_Thumbs Barbato_MareNo

Mare no

Youtube_Thumbs Barbato_Showreel

Francesco Barbato showreel

Youtube_Thumbs ComeIlMare

Come il mare

Youtube_Thumbs Indifferentemente


Youtube_Thumbs Barbato_OTappetoELlAmore

O’ tappeto e ll’ammore

Youtube_Thumbs Barbato_UeMari

Ué Marì

Youtube_Thumbs NessunDorma

Nessun dorma (Turandot)

Youtube_Thumbs Barbato_SciosciaOViento

Scioscia ‘o viento

Youtube_Thumbs Barbato_StuSoleCommeCoce

Stu sole comme coce

Youtube_Thumbs Barbato_VersoIlSole

Verso il sole

Youtube_Thumbs Barbato_BellaSiTtu

Bella si’ttu

Youtube_Thumbs TiAmeroPerSempre

Ti amerò per sempre



About me


He collaborated and released music for BMG, Sony, RCA, Warner Bross, Peer Souther Edition, Banana records, until finally met with his actual music label in the Principality of Monaco : Bravo Montecarlo

Among his most popular songs

  • “Ti amerò per sempre” included in the album “For You I wish” released and dedicated to the Princes of Monaco for their wedding (July 2011)
  • “Je suis l’amour” with F. Migliacci (author of song “Nel blu dipinto di blu – Volare”)  –  Artist : Scialpi
  • “La ragazza di Roma” with Gaio Chiocchio  –  Artist : Paola Turci
  • “L’amore non si può fermare mai” with Paolo Audino (author for Mina, Minghi, Bocellil)  –  Artist : Paky (from “Amici di Maria De Filippi”)
  • Music for the new age album “Neapolis”  –  Pruduced by Herman Rarebel (drummer of the band “Scorpions”)
  • Soundtrack of the movie “Vediamoci chiaro” produced by “Cecchi Gori Group”  –  Artist : Francesco Barbato
  • Part of the soundtrack of the movie “A Come Amore” produced by Rai 2  –  Artist : Mary Monet and Jaseef.


Ornella Vanoni,  Capuano brothers (arrangers of  Amy Stewart), Middle of the road, Tullio De Piscopo,  Bisquit

TV Programs attendances

  • “Domenica in” – RAI 1
  • Festival “St. Vincent estate”, broadcasted by RAI 2
  • “Fascination” hosted by Maurizio Costanzo – Canale 5
  • Musical Show  “the Christmas tale” at  National Theatre of Moscow (Russia), hosted by the Russian Tv Stars Anya Kaverina and Semien Frolov and broadcasted by the russian channel Shanson TV
  •  “Shanson of the Year 2014 – Awards” at  Kremlin of Moscow (Russia), broadcasted by the russian channel Shanson TV


  • “2000 World Cup’s” race for the Prada vessel LUNA ROSSA – New Zeland
  • The Living Room Club –  Monaco Principality
  • Heritage club – Hong Konk
  • Grand Hotel Hammamet – Tunisia
  • Just Cavalli – Milan

Latest Production

  • Album “Stella sei” produced by  Bravo Montecarlo
  • Single “Bella ciao” produced by  Bravo Montecarlo and arranged by Mauro Paoluzzi.
  • It has been performed for the first time, with italian and russian lyric, at the musical show “Shanson Goda 2014” (Shanson of the year 2014) held at the legendary concert hall of the Kremlin in Moscow (Russia) when Francesco received the award “Shanson Goda” as Italian artist.
  • The show has been Broadcasted in Russia by Shanson TV and NTV, the national channel.

Video Showcase